HP has three websites targeted to sales reps, technicians and suppliers of HP Products: www.hpinfolab.com, www.hptechzone.com and https://www.suppliesinfo.com. Our team redesigned these sites with an updated, intuitive look and feel and produced compelling monthly content. My role as producer was to strategize how best to transition the sites while maintaining consistency and implementing new creative direction.
Highlights:Producing engaging promotions, marketing new product info through compelling content and gaining approval from various stakeholders was our three fold task each month. Each product group desired top billing each month...and someone always had to take the passenger seat. Challenges:High school and college aged employees generally get jobs so they can buy stuff... not to sell products. Learning about their mindsets and creating training and promotions to engage them during their 3 minutes of training a month was intriguing.
Highlights -HP's ASR program recruits and trains sales reps to man the aisles of big box electronics stores, inteacting with customers and employees. Challenges -Product specs could change until shipping. Designing and developing web content, monthly training and promotional materials amidst the constant change was demanding, but we were successful.
Another option for training involved creating audio/video for products with a longer shelf-life than 2-3 months. These adventures, titled InfoNOWs, allowed for a bit more play with the content and a better experience for the audience.
ADD LINK http://www.hpinfolab.com/country/us/eng/jsp/training/hpinfonow_officejetbusiness/content/player.html
Highlights:In addition to online content, we designed and delivered print materials, non-customer facing for sales reps to reference in the aisle. Challenges:Products changing until shipping, printers demanding 5 days turn around and shippers needing 10 days to guarantee delivery on time
Creating print pieces for HP to deliver to stores and sales reps enabled other creative outlets for product information. We also produced flyers, brochures and posters for major HP sites.
As an Interactive Designer, I seek opportunities to make online experiences more intuitive and enjoyable, to practice user-centered design and create meaningful interactions between people, products, and services.
Audrey Woita, a decisive, action-oriented and results-focused designer with multiple experiences in creative design and development.
Motivated and personable, she has a successful track record managing positive team relationships for continual alignment in successful programs.