Social Media Outlet

Helping to support the Seminary’s website redesign, I focused on content assessment, strategic direction, development and delivery of mobile technology and social networking. I developed recommendations for expanded online content and social networking, adoption of video development/delivery, and mobile content.

Some professors did not see the advantage of attracting traffic to the website or streaming their classes onto the web. Developing a strategic plan for partnering with broader/global evangelical communities was one way we expanded our presence.

HP - Producer - Demo Days

Highlights: Employee engagement had executive support at HP. HP wants it's employees in their local store, interacting with customers, answering questions and highlighting products to provide a personal glimpse of HP. Engineers, mailroom clerks and network guys were all encouraged to take some time off at the site and go into their local Best Buy, Sams or Staples.
Employees tend to prefer a cube to a sales floor. Being bombarded with pointed questions, complaints about products and little knowledge of new products thwarted many Demo Day volunteers trips to their local stores. We produced online training, promotional materials, enticing giveways and time off of work to encourage employees to attend.

HP - Producer - Earth Day Demo Days

Highlights: We promoted Earth Day within the Demo Days program by creating a email encouraging employees to "send to family and friends" and a website to highlight products and share promotions. Included on the site were interactive demos, videos and downloadable print materials. Employees and their friend and families could recieve $50 off an energy efficient HP product for participating.
Our client's IT department has strict standards for design and we were unable to use Flash or animated graphics. Since this was our initial attempt to get employees to "share the story" about new HP products, limiting our development capabilities forced us to think backwards and create compelling content without our trusted tools.

HP - Producer - Summer Digital Demo Days

Highlights: After a successful pilot of Earth Days online, we pushed out another email/website promoting summer product launches and offering a free Snapfish photo book to friends, family and employees who participated.
Equally as limited in development standards, we did provide a smart, attractive email and website for Summer Digital Days which resulted in twice the amount of participants as our Earth Day promotion.

HP - Producer - Back to School Demo Days

The Back to School season is key as college students are buying electronics with Mom and Dad's credit cards. We focused on the latest laptops and kept with our approved look/feel that had been gaining momentum since our other two campaigns.
We decided to push out several emails to the largest HP sites in the US and did not distribute print materials. Even with high-end items in our promotions, we lost program participants.

HP - Web Producer

HP has three websites targeted to sales reps, technicians and suppliers of HP Products:, and
Our team redesigned these sites with an updated, intuitive look and feel and produced compelling monthly content. My role as producer was to strategize how best to transition the sites while maintaining consistency and implementing new creative direction.


Highlights: Producing engaging promotions, marketing new product info through compelling content and gaining approval from various stakeholders was our three fold task each month. Each product group desired top billing each month...and someone always had to take the passenger seat.
High school and college aged employees generally get jobs so they can buy stuff... not to sell products. Learning about their mindsets and creating training and promotions to engage them during their 3 minutes of training a month was intriguing.


Highlights - HP's ASR program recruits and trains sales reps to man the aisles of big box electronics stores, inteacting with customers and employees.
Challenges -
Product specs could change until shipping. Designing and developing web content, monthly training and promotional materials amidst the constant change was demanding, but we were successful.

HP - InfoNow

Another option for training involved creating audio/video for products with a longer shelf-life than 2-3 months. These adventures, titled InfoNOWs, allowed for a bit more play with the content and a better experience for the audience.


HP - Holiday

Highlights: In addition to online content, we designed and delivered print materials, non-customer facing for sales reps to reference in the aisle.
Products changing until shipping, printers demanding 5 days turn around and shippers needing 10 days to guarantee delivery on time

HP - Print

Creating print pieces for HP to deliver to stores and sales reps enabled other creative outlets for product information. We also produced flyers, brochures and posters for major HP sites.

Cingular Webinar

Cingular was interested in keeping their reputation as best-in-class sales and service. My team was tasked with designing a webinar for the customer service reps to rollout a new coaching program and tools.

The need for speed is great within the wireless world with the churn of customers dictating quick responses and immediate adjustments. Working within these confines to develop solid webinar training was exciting and we produced great content to support the implementation of the coaching program.
Click here to see content sample.

Intercontinental Hotel Group - Train the Trainer Content

Intercontinental Hotel Group had a problem needing resolution. The front desk clerks at their hotels were not recommending their Priority Club Rewards program. We were tasked with creating 30 minutes of stand up training content to be delivered globally at hotel sites.
We created content chunks, provided time for learners to interact with the information and created job aids/reference materials so they could "own" the content. Our driver was the end user experience to affect a change with how our audiences approached customers. Translating the content into various languages was interesting and we found ourselves on conference call all hours of the night.